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Improving competitive position and profit has always been the responsibility of management. Before the 1980's, U.S. management was broadly successful. Until then the dominant management model was that of the autocrat. Management, primly senior management, decided how the business was to operate, including what the policies and objectives were; how it was organized; wat jobs were established; and how should they be done. It was an unquestioned axiom that if everyone did what the upper management required, the business would be successful.

Problem statement

TQM is a way to continuously improve performance at every level of operation, in every functional area of an organization, using all available human and capital resources. Improvement is addressed toward satisfying board goals such as cost, quality, market share, schedule, and growth. It demands commitment and discipline, and an ongoing effort.

Research Objectives

Simply stating a vision is not enough. It needs to be demonstrated by the actions of the executives, managers , superiors, foremen, and individuals. It should be done continuously in all their actions and initiatives. Moreover, deliberation must be exercised in developing these goals and strategies. They must reflect the values and culture of the work force. While top-management commitment is essential, managers should realize when to lead and when to get out of the way. In a sense quality management is management from the bottom up. An atmosphere of responsibility must be created toward the customer for whatever product is produced or service is rendered

Theoretical Framework

Total Quality Management styles unlike, Traditional Management styles call for a large amount of team work. Due to the team work, problems are identified correctly as well as solutions are well planned. There are several differences between Traditional Management styles vs. the Total Quality Management style. In the larger picture, Total Quality Management has changed the culture as well as ...
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