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EasyJet Airline Company Limited has always been a forward thinking company and we now face higher competition than ever before. To combat this situation and stay a leader in our industry we are instituting a Total Quality Management System in order to ensure our products not only meet specification, but consistently improve on our current design and continue to make it to market faster than our competitors while keeping our high quality level. This paper will discuss the TQM implementation in an organisation. This would also recommend the benefits of TQM for this organization and will include a project plan for the implementation program for this organization.

Steps of Quality Management Process Improvement and Implementation Plan

For EasyJet to be more innovative, a thorough plan needs to be implemented to do well in their business. An outline of the quality management process improvement and implementation plan will aid in reaching EasyJet's goals. The following are the steps to take to properly plan for quality management process improvement and how to implement this into EasyJet. (Ahire 2006:23-56)

The first step a quality improvement process is to determine what the problem is that EasyJet is experiencing. The concept would be to find problems to fix that would benefit the company. If it would not be a benefit, then it would not be worth investing time into to fix. The next step to process improvement would be to gain evidence surrounding the problem. People from within EasyJet will be more likely to accept there are problems if decision makers can see evidence of the problem rather than assumptions being proposed to them. Next, possible solutions to the problem should be determined from a group setting with everyone agreeing to which solutions will be best for EasyJet to move forward with to correct the problems. The next step is to identify the resources that are needed and who will actually lead that project. The last step that EasyJet would do for quality process improvement would be to determine other people that need to be involved to support the plan developed. (Black 2006:1-2)

The outline to follow to implement the quality management process improvement plan is to first hold a team meeting to determine the problems that EasyJet is having. Having everyone involved will allow for people to voice problems and then agree on what the problems are that need to be fixed. To gather evidence, appointed personnel at EasyJet should talk to both internal and external customers to get a better idea of what is actually being said about the proposed problems. To find solutions to those problems identified and investigated, one everyone in the company agrees to the solutions and are listed out, a test should be done to see if the solution will actually work. It could cause more harm than good, so it would be best to try out the solutions first.

To understand the resources EasyJet has available, a team leader needs to be appointed to find out if the company has the money ...
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