Toyota has been the major market capturer in automobile industry since the last few years. It has dominated the automobile market completely with its wide range of automobiles. Toyota's comfortable and luxury cars make them the best in the world. Apart from being comfortable, Toyota tries its level best to make its cars at very affordable prices. It has got an immensely talented production team spread all over the world. Almost every year, Toyota comes up with a new model and that particular model becomes the most effective in that market.
Swot Analysis
SWOT - an acronym for the words Strengths (forces), Weaknesses (weakness), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats). Interior Design firm is reflected mainly in the S and W, and external - in the O & T. SWOT-analysis is a step in developing a marketing strategy
Methodology of SWOT-analysis suggests, first, to identify internal strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as external opportunities and threats, and, secondly, to establish links between them. SWOT-analysis helps to answer the following questions:
Do you use the internal strengths or distinctive advantages in their strategies? If the company has distinct advantages, which of its potential strengths might they be?
Whether the weakness of its vulnerabilities in the competition and / or they do not allow use of certain favorable circumstances? What weaknesses should be adjusted based on strategic considerations?
What opportunities give the company a real chance of success by using her skills and access to resources? (Opportunities without ways to implement them - an illusion, the strengths and weaknesses of the company make it better or worse adapted to the use of favorable opportunities than other firms).
Any threat to most bother the manager and what strategic steps it should take to good defense?
S (strength)
It is the world's top automaker production. Has maintained a strong competitive ability and efficient production lines continued cost reduction. The dominant position occupied by the hybrid vehicle market in the world. The strong financial position is.
W (Weaknesses)
Because of the rapidly expanding production - such as poor coordination between sales, "big business signs of the disease," this is starting to show.
2009 - 2010, more than one area, prone to massive recalls in several models, was in and out of social issues.
O (opportunity)
The resource-rich countries are growing emerging markets. And environmental awareness - from rising gas prices are surging demand for fuel-efficient cars. Because of the impoverished market western automakers have improved the relative position of Japanese manufacturers. Are beginning to fall - was rising material prices.
T (Threats)
Resource-rich countries in emerging markets, involving local manufacturers and the world's leading manufacturers, small cars to full-scale competition · low-price vehicles. (Pedr, Davis, 1999, Pp 24)
Pest Analysis
The PEST analysis is a strategic tool used to analyze the macro-external environment in which a company operates. PEST factors play an important role in the opportunities for value creation strategy. However they are usually beyond the control of ...