Tourism Planning

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Tourism Planning

Table of Contents



Tourism Strategies2

1.Economic Approach2

2.Community-Oriented Approach2

3.Sustainable Approach3

Tourism Development Proposals4

1.Involving Stakeholders5

2.Negotiating with the Tourism Industry6

3.Data and Techniques7

Tourism Planning Process9

i.Determine the needs9

ii.Formulate Strategies10

iii.Implement Strategies10


Tourism Planning


Tourism is the one major source of earning foreign exchange. Tourism maybe defined as travelling to an outside place. The tourism industry has evolved a lot in the past years. The governments of different countries are taking steps to develop the tourist industries in their respective countries so that they can earn a huge amount of money. The tourist industry gains a lot in the tourism season; however, the government needs to take steps for making the country attractive for the tourists. This paper will focus on the planning strategies of the developing tourism in Grimblethorpe ( Grimblethorpe is a very small town in England with a population of 15,000. It is very famous for its brewery and has very few two star hotels. As it is a fishing town, it has many important links that leads to different places. The town is looking for ways for improving and promoting tourism so that it can earn and develop the town.

Tourism Planning

Tourism planning is a difficult task, but a very important one. The government of the town should make sure that it develops effective proposals and strategies so that the tourism increase in Grimblethorpe and it benefits from the revenues earned from tourism. The following proposals and strategies can help the government in effective tourism planning.

Tourism Strategies

The government of the town should implement the following three strategies to make sure that the town develops tourism.

Economic Approach

The economic approach of tourism planning will help in benefitting the economy. This tourism strategy focuses on economic benefits and makes sure that the economy of the town is able to recover from the economic ( This can be achieved only when the economy earns revenues. The town is in dire need of reducing the unemployment rate and creating job opportunities for the people; therefore, this strategy will be very helpful for the town. The advantages of this strategy are discussed below:

The economy of the town can gain a lot from this strategy.

New employment opportunities will be created.

The government favours the economy in the form of financial incentives.

The disadvantages of this strategy are as follows:

This strategy does not consider the negative impacts.

The town is concerned about the negative impacts that tourism will bring, but this strategy will not help in avoiding these impacts.

Community-Oriented Approach

This tourism strategy focuses on the host country and its residents. This approach gives the town the authority to take decisions regarding tourism development in its own country. The stakeholders will also have a say in the decision making process; however, the country will have more powers of taking decision ( This will give the officials of Grimblethorpe advantage because they will take decisions according to the need of its economy. It will make sure that the decisions are helpful in developing and promoting tourism in the town. The advantages of this strategy are as follows:

This strategy creates a ...
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