Tour Destination And Planning

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Economic Factors of Tour Operators when Selecting a Destination and Planning a Holiday

Economic Factors of Tour Operators when Selecting a Destination and Planning a Holiday


Since the fifties tourism begins to emerge as one of the fastest growing economic activities worldwide, coinciding with the period of greatest economic growth in developed countries. This period is when companies realize the potential that encloses tourism for its economy. Studies indicate that tourism plays a very important role in the economic development of many nations, contributing to the development of various economic activities, is an important source of foreign exchange and local currency revenues, and a considerable number of occupations. In addition to the economic impacts generated by tourism to a society, the benefits are social and cultural development through the exchange and contacts there, both those who export tourism, as you receive it.

Today, tourism is one of the fastest growing economic activities and represents a major source of income in many developing countries. This growth goes hand in hand with increased diversification and competition between destinations. Within any market or economic environment, demand is an important variable to a destination that should be known, measured and analyzed. The study of tourism demand is a source of information that enables economic factors involved in the activities and institutions responsible for the destination, know their behavior and, that allow them to make decisions for growth and development of tourist destinations.


The destinations are combinations of travel, offering an integrated experience to tourists. Traditionally, tourist destinations considered geographically defined areas, as a country, an island or a city. However, increasingly it is recognized that a destination can be a perceived concept i.e. that can be interpreted subjectively by consumers, depending on your travel itinerary, cultural background, and purpose of visit, educational level and previous experience.

Since in the 50 entered production continued development of travel due to increased affluence and increased leisure time and leisure, the most important variable is studied and analyzed is the tourism demand. Tourism demand is closely related to the decision-making process that individuals perform constantly in the process of planning their leisure activities and their determination depends on many factors not only economic but also psychological, sociological, physical and ethical.

Tourism demand can be defined in two ways: first as the total number of people traveling or want to travel, to enjoy tourist facilities and services in places outside workplace and residence and the second as the consumption and income generated in the tourist area. This is an economic concept, which is expressed in monetary units and not number consumers.

Tourism demand is classified into two groups:

Effective demand or current: current number of people involved in tourism as buyers of services and who have the means and will to do it. This group is the most easily measured and that is reflected in global statistics.

Latent demand: formed by people who are not involved in tourism (not travel), for any purpose related to the variables that affect ...
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