Tina's Story

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Tina's Story

Tina's Story


Tina's case is a significant contribution to the general psychology. This case depicts the different aspects of psychology and responsiveness to the unwanted situations. Tina had worked hard for her husband and her career but eventually Joe - her husband left her for the other woman. Tina was surprised and shocked due to Joe's behavior and eventually she was left alone. Her performance was disturbed and she was distressed. At such stage of life when a person needs friends and family to share the feelings of the affected person, Tina did not find anyone to show empathy and support in such a desperate situation of life. The consequences of such societal behavior led Tina towards depression, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. However, if Tina is given the proper treatment she can probably recover from such a situation but if she is left alone like this and not treated, than it can be assumed that she will be affected by the mental disorder problems which are the most dangerous in nature because recovery from such problems is quite a complex process and the patients are exposed to live abnormal life after being affected by such mental disorders.

Tina's story is also indicating the same scenario. The way she had been treated by her husband, the way she had worked hard in her professional life, the way she was left alone by her friends and her sister's unavailability due to suicide were the factors that were leading Tina towards the severe mental disorder condition. Practically, anyone can experience the same condition after being hurt from such circumstances and might face the same mental and physical disorders as Tina was experiencing.

Thesis statement:

This paper will elaborate the salient point about the Tina's disorder, the detailed description and diagnosis in the multi-axial system, including noticeable symptoms, and the proposed treatment for Tina.


As far as Tina's case is concerned it is a perfect illustration of the case leading towards a severe mental disorder condition. The stress Tina is facing nowadays as depicted in the case story, is not something that can be avoided because such stress may lead Tina towards the severe mental disorder. As a result, she will become a mental case if not treated at this stage. The hardships that she had faced in her life so far, and the way in which her husband left her (despite the fact that she was alone supporting the financial needs of the family) are ridiculous. The feelings that she has started to adopt like she is not giving proper time to her husband, she is not attractive enough, she is not a fit wife, she is not a competent employee etc. are such feelings, which show depression, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. However, we will now look at the case of Tina with more details and illustrations from her story with respect to the psychological point of view.

Mental disorders are diagnosed according to a handbook issued by the American Psychiatric Association called the Diagnostic and Statistical ...
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