Tina Story

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Tina Story

Tina Story

Tina's Story


The case study of Tina reflects the psychological disorder and depression that has to be critically analyzed. This case shows the distinct areas and discipline of psychology and responsiveness to the harsh situations. Tina is a black girl she worked hard for her home and she wanted to see her husband happy, but unfortunately her husband because of her busy schedule and not giving time to him left her for other women. Tina who worked for her husband and the house was completely broken and looked herself in the room she felt weird and her behavior started to change. She was now unable to work in her office and she felt disturbed.

At the present stage of her life when every person required love, affection, home, family and support she was left alone and nobody left to support her and wipe her tears. She needs much more sympathy from her loved ones, but no one was there to feel her good or support her. The consequences now begin Tina become nervous, anxious, and she was unable to sleep or work. Her weight started to lose. However, if Tina is given the proper treatment she can probably recover from such a situation but if she is left alone like this and not treated, than it can be assumed that she will be affected by the mental disorder problems which are the most dangerous in nature because recovery from such problems is quite a complex process and the patients are exposed to live abnormal life after being affected by such mental disorders. Tina's story indicates the same scenario (Yeung, 2008). The way her husband treated her it was depressing and her heart completely broken, the way she was left alone by her friends and her sister's unavailability due to suicide were the factors that were leading Tina towards the severe mental disorder condition. Practically, anyone can experience the same condition after being hurt from such circumstances and might face the same mental and physical disorders as Tina was experiencing. Her situation is very lonely and that is the reason she might commit suicide.

Thesis statement

The case study of Tina discusses the issues and psychological disorder and its diagnosis in the multi-axial system. It includes noticeable symptoms, and the proposed treatment for Tina.


In the case of Tina, it has observed and analyzed that Tina will lead to a serious psychological disorder. She will be suffering from severe mental disorder condition. The tension, stress and loneliness is shown in the case study that Tina is feeling, it is not something that can be avoided because such stress may lead Tina towards the severe mental disorder. As a result, she will become a mental case if not treated at this stage (Tampi, 2010). The problems and issues Tina has faced so far, and the way in which her husband left her (despite the fact that she was alone supporting the financial needs of the family) is ...
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