Tiger Woods

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Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods


Tiger Woods has just issued an apology publicly to his wife and fans for his cheating and disappointing his fans. He also denies any domestic violence in his family. Woods, reminding people he is a private person, went on television just minutes ago to issue an emotional apology to his wife and fans for his infidelities and for the embarrassment he caused his family and business partners. He mentioned that he had been selfish and knew that people had wondered how he could have done these things. In addition he declared his wife Elan had never hurt him and there had been no incidents of domestic violence in their marriage. (Londino, 2010, 87)

Should the companies that dropped Tiger Woods during his scandal now reinstate him?

Where is the boycott which triggered advertisers to pull their ads featuring Tiger Woods? The answer is, there is none. Advertisers dropped Tiger Woods ads because of a fear of a backlash for his marital infidelity, fearing and expecting an uproar by consumers over his celebrity status as there has been with other celebrities. If those advertisers would have checked with Boycott Watch, (Londino, 2010, 87) they would have known that sports fan boycotts do not work because true sports fans do not boycott their favorite sports or teams. In fact, we reported just that on June 2007 with our article titled "Sports Fan Boycotts Do Not Work"

In the Tiger Woods case, no boycott was called and there is a reason for that - sports fans, especially golf fans, are just that - fanatics. In the case of golfers, they are interested in the best score they can get no matter what. Even North Korean leader Kim Jong Ill lied about gold when in June, 2004 he claimed to have scored 38 under ...
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