Thomas Paine

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Thomas Paine


Thomas Paine was an American politician and publisher of English origin. He was a Promoter of liberalism and democracy. It is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States Of humble origin, son of a Quaker and an Anglican, received a very elementary education was limited to reading, writing and the four basic operations. It was formed by himself and became a very important revolutionary American ideas have permanent conflict with the elites and the backward and reactionary groups of his time, such as the fight against sexism , the slavery , the racism and the monarchy , which was opposed to proposing instead the republic . Like other Enlightenment, also abhorred the superstitions, the religion organized (Iglesias) and the clergy, being a driver of secularism, the popular education and science (Wilson, 36).

To provide informative analysis, this paper will argue that, besides writing anonymously, Paine uses rhetorical techniques and emotional appeals to bring the American public into a revolutionary mindset. He often exaggerates the facts and demeans or flat out insults those who believe reconciliation is possible and/or preferable to independence. In so doing, he appealed to a wide audience of varied education and diverse religious sentiments.

The purpose of this study is to investigate who Thomas Paine was, what he believed, how those beliefs motivated him to political action and how those actions helped to found the United States of America.

Discussion and Analysis

With wider discontent of the colonies, Paine encouraged rational ideas he calls "common sense", criticizing the excessive taxes decreed by the government of His Majesty, as unfair and economically unsound, favoring smuggling and corruption. The ban on trade with other nations is causing loss of material wealth, and lack of continental representatives in the British Parliament. He argued that the solution to these problems was independence, a position that reported in the most famous of printed brochures, Common Sense, Common Sense 1776 , which reached the circulation of half a million copies (Williamson, 45).

The doctrine of "common sense" is a milestone in history, failing to inform policy decisions based on doctrines in history, religion, nation, honor or a priori notions, but on criteria endorsed by the experience of humans and reason. Common sense paved the way to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, ratified on July 4 of that year.

When Washington's troops were about to disunity, published the pamphlet The American Crisis, which raised the spirits insurgents and by order of George Washington was read to all his soldiers.

After successfully ending the war, returned to his financial difficulties, he never agreed to seek royalties from their pamphlets. He traveled to Europe and to prevent William Pitt declared war on France reported the idea to the British that the only wars involving more taxes. In France he met the radical theorist and writer William Godwin and a group of his friends, who frequented.

He then turned to refute the ideas of Edmund Burke on the French Revolution in his masterpiece, The Rights of Man, printed in two parts, the ...
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