Thomas Paine's Common Sense Pamphlet

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Thomas Paine's common sense pamphlet

Common Sense

In 1776, Thomas Paine expressed his opinion that American colonies should separate from British government and gain independence. He wrote “Common Sense”, the pamphlet that expressed what he thought colonies should do and why they should separate themselves from British government. Paine wanted Americans to create the “new form of government -the modern republic- based entirely on popular consent.” (Robert 504)

“Paine challenged many common American assumptions about government and colonies' relationship to England.”

Thomas Paine expressed his feelings on King of Britain in “Common Sense.” The king to Paine was negative at all times. As I read this part of pamphlet, I thought Paine described King as not caring what people thought. The king did as he pleased without listening to other people's ideas. I think Paine made excellent points when talking about King. He felt people needed to be able to have the say in things that might have needed to be changed. (Bernstein 36)

I liked how Paine wrote about changes that needed to be done to become independent to help children at time. As I read part in “Common Sense” about children, I thought he was thinking about everyone not just one age group or class. He thought that America needed to be freed from Britain and fix government because he did not want next generation to go through same thing people at that time did. He wanted children to have the better future than adults then had. (Delaney 18)

He states in “Common Sense” that “any king is the bad thing; people have natural right to rule themselves.”

After reading pamphlet “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, I believe some people today feel same way about government as Paine did in 1776. By this I mean, Paine was trying to get people out of their ...
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