Theory Outline: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

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Theory Outline: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

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Theory Outline: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Key Concepts

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, often abbreviated as "REBT"," is a form of psychotherapy that is based on a strong link between the thoughts and emotions of people. Psychological problems arise from this theory is not a situation or event, but stem from the way one interprets the situation or event. According to Albert Ellis, every man lives under a system of beliefs. This system of beliefs, often called the 'belief system', is responsible for our emotions and behavior. When a belief unproductive or incorrect, then there is an irrational belief. The main premise of REBT is that such irrational beliefs and negative emotions lead to undesirable behavior. In rational emotive behavior therapy the client learns to become aware of irrational ideas, which can then be replaced by more healthy, rational beliefs. This evolution in the thinking of the client has a positive change in the emotions and the effect may thus result in healing of behavioral and psychological symptoms (Ellis, MacLaren, 2004). Rational emotive behavior therapy is often seen as a form of cognitive therapy because it focuses on changing thinking. Differences in cognitive therapy, there are also: REBT takes the client a more active role, self-analysis as an important part of the therapy. Typically, the client in a rational-emotive therapy are challenged and confronted more than during cognitive therapy.

Key Theorists

Albert Ellis (1917-2007)

Aaron Beck (1921-Present)

Appropriate Populations for the Theory

The goal of REBT is to help people find new and more constructive alternative thoughts to help the person feel better, be better and achieve their objectives and goals. People who have faced the hardship of life, suffered failures and disappointments, such people have given up their self-esteem through their pessimist approach towards life seek psychological assistance to revive ...
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