The Use Of Ipods Changes People

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The use of IPods changes People


In the late 90's and early 2000s, MP3 players were known only as MP3 players. However, when Apple launched the iPod on October 21, 2001, it was such a huge success that only took a couple of years before most people start using the "iPod" and name each time you wanted to refer to MP3 player. 

You may or may not adept at this device, but you cannot deny that the iPod changed the face of the music industry and people. Since launching the iPod, Apple has an incredible impact, revolutionizing the music market. 125, 000 Apple iPods sold in late 2001 and in 2010 and go for the 225 million iPods sold. Along with the music management and online music store iTunes, the iPod turned out to be one of the most successful gadgets of all time.  (Johnson, pp. 2-4)

The way teenagers live has changed over time. It is not the same being 20 years today than it was last decade (let alone years ago). These differences are evident in how we learn and interact with our surroundings. Many people say that the technology that today we do that we turn away more people and we have a fast lifestyle, we believe that if we use the tools we have at our disposal the right way can make that claim a fallacy to be able to bring more wealth to our person.


The use of iPods changes or affects people in different ways without knowing it. In fact the use of iPods make people to become antisocial because for most of the time they have those white earphones and don't even have an idea of what is going on in the real world. The use of the iPods gives control of the journey and the space that people are moving through and it's also make people focus more in music than other things like political, religious, economy or etc. The use of technology is killing the face to face interactions because most of the time is spend listening to the music. The enjoyment, excitement that the iPods brings but at the same time the iPods pushes to listen to the music loudly without knowing and make forget about important things sometimes. (Brabec, pp. 44-55)

In addition to that we missed an important call from my family back home that's why I say that the that the use of iPods make us miss many good things ...
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