The Unexpected Journey

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The Unexpected Journey

The Unexpected Journey

Author Information

Thom S. Rainer is one of the most influential scholars of our time in the area of evangelism. He is president of the Rainer Group, Life Way Christian Resources and Church central. He also serves as dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth at The South Baptist Theological Seminary. He has authored many books and served as pastor to many different congregations.

Content Summary

The Unexpected Journey is an “emphatic yell” to the church about the importance of evangelizing to the lost. From story to story you begin to see the majestic, salvific power of the grace of God. Taken from firsthand accounts, from the mouth of those who have walked through different beliefs, we see the love of God. Rainer moves us from life to life that has been changed by God. Whether a witch (pg107) or a Black Muslim (pg.169) we go behind the scenes as their lives unfold.

As he moves from person to person you begin to see a shifting in the story from the perspective of the writer. What began as a book meant to expose the truth that many Christians do not share their faith actually became a sense of urgency for Rainer and his wife. (pg.204) They began to really see that a lack of evangelizing was taking place in the United States. As you get toward the end, you see that the impact of this book has caused them to step their game up in the world of evangelism. (pg.199)

All of the people interviewed had amazing stores of their conversion. As you would read, you would find that all of the people had moments of truth that would become catalyst of change in their life. You could see the ambiguity they faced, as you read the stories and watch as their beliefs started to crumple right in from of their eyes. It didn't matter if it was finding out that the information about their beliefs were wrong (pg.21) or that their beliefs did not really have their backs when they really needed it to come to the forefront. As they were confronted with the truth of the scripture the assurance in what they believed began to sit on shaky ground. (pg.176)

It was also very interesting to see how some were actually being confronted face to face, there was always someone, praying for their salvation. (pg115) As you read, you find that this became almost a moniker of sorts for the process of salvation for all of the people whose lives were changed. The amazing thing was that those who were converted could actually indentify those who were praying for them in the end. (pg.123)

Last but definitely not least, you see the methods given by the different people to help lead others that are still lost in the same beliefs that once ensnared them. They begin to share their wisdom with us after every story of what they thought would be helpful in winning ...
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