The Relationship Between Technology And Society

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The relationship between technology and society

The relationship between technology and society


Throughout the evolution of technology has been a lot of concern in certain scholars, are sociologists, philosophers, economists, journalists, religious, among others, pointing to the tiny poverty that currently lives on Planet Earth. For many, the idea is untenable that while all the technological advances, homelessness becomes more obvious and being humans are more likely to be "nobody." However, the benefits of the technology outweighs the negative impacts of technology. It would benefit the society overall. It would not only help the society to reduce poverty, but would also lead to improvement in teaching and learning methods.


Technology and Poverty Reduction

The simultaneous advances in fields such as IT, biotechnology, robotics, microelectronics, telecommunications, materials sciences and other areas have certain qualitative breaks usual production potential; expanding widely, and with the prospect of continued growth ahead.

The human quality decreases and the reasoning of the powerful growing towards the “IT' forgetting the other conjugations. In this regard, it seems to be a minority in discerning with respect to the subject, among them are examples of the anti-industrial manifesto of Unabomber, to some extent reflects the desperation of a group to avoid destruction technology that has been dragging (Murray, 2000).

The WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) has recognized that information and communication technologies (ICT) play a key role as "enablers" for sustainable development and poverty reduction. Millennium Declaration is also along with WSIS, whose ultimate goal is to ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies are accessible to everyone.

The resources for development and humanitarian aid in general scarce the reason is pressure from these basic needs leading to action with certain actions, and short-term relief. By their very nature, they operate to ensure survival, but can not act as instruments of development and social advancement. To achieve an improvement in living standards, needed in the medium and long term plans and these plans is that technology has much to offer.

An increase of information and knowledge in all fields can help to bring out a community from situations of poverty and enable it to progress. It is clear that the short-term actions and long-term projects are both necessary in order to alleviate poverty, which should not exclude each other but complement.

The world community is considering increasing the contribution of technology to human development, but today still lack the analysis of empirical data showing the effectiveness of ICT in fighting poverty. Until a few years ago there was merely a quantitative analysis of the diffusion of technology dissemination infrastructure, how many phones per hundred people, and many computers (McGrath, 2004).

However, it realized that while these statistics you can get to understand the rate of diffusion of technology in a nation, we can not get to deduct its influence on the poor, and poverty reduction.

The manifesto, titled “Industrial Society and its Future”, dark and dramatic spread diagnosis on the present and the future of individuals before the advance of industrial ...
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