The Quest For Knowledge And Progress In “one Hundred Years Of Solitude” By Gariel Garcia Marquez

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The quest for knowledge and progress in “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” by Gariel Garcia Marquez

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, in general was a hard novel to understand and read. His style of writing was very complex and he used a lot of irony in his work. Now one case of irony that Gabriel Marquez used in one hundred years of solitude was how in the end Aureliano (II) sees that it was the end of the Buendias family that he was able to decipher from Melquiades' ancient prophecies. To only find out that all of his actions have been preordained and he is engulfed in an apocalyptic wind that wipes the town from existence.

To a reader that's very confusing, even though it provides a major twist and surprise. Still to most readers of the novel claimed that they were confused by the ending and they didn't like it because of that reason. A quote from the novel that makes no earthly sense was thought by Aureliano (II) "Had already understood that he would never leave...races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth" (Marquez,)My objective is to make a more sensible and understandable ending to Marquez's novel. (Marquez & Gabriel 58-62)

What I am going to be changing will be how Ursula's and Aurelino (II) incest turns out. What the baby will look like and how the red ant will play a part. Last what Melquiades prophecies say. This technique is effective because it annihilates the distinction between the real and the fantastic, causing the reader to reconsider their perspectives on plausibility. Miracles, marvels and magic are often overstated and embellished to the point they lose all their significance. However, García Márquez suggests that such typically fantastic elements do not require an exaggerated tone of description. Instead, he creates a world where fantasy mingles with the ordinary, enriching to the depiction of magical events through realistic details. The author compels the reader to revise common certainties and assumptions about the world. Thus, the reader develops a new sense of possibility.

As Gaston begins to board the plane he stops to think how Ursula, his wife is doing back in Macondo. Many thoughts were passing through Gaston's mind like if she is getting taken care enough and how is Aureliano (II) treating her but, he never thought of what was really going on back in Macondo.

Aureliano (II) gives his four scholar friends a farewell handshake as he escorts them to the edge of Macondo. Aureliano (II) returns to the house and takes a look at Ursula who is cooking by the stove wearing her silk black dress standing there waiting to be taken. While Aureliano (II) walks toward her with his passionate eyes Ursula just stands there waiting to be taken by her lover.

The smell of lust passionately fills the air as Aureliano (II) and his incestuous lover Ursula fiercely make love around the house. The smell is so strong that even ...
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