The Next Terrorist Threat

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The Next Terrorist Threat


This paper focuses over the usage of chemical and radiological weapons against the United States and how the terrorists have deployed these two weapons for causing mass casualties in the United States. It also highlights how these two weapons are similar and how they are dissimilar in their structure.

Table of Contents




Threat of Chemical Weapons1

Usage of chemical weapons1

Why - Terrorists use chemical weapons2

Chemical weapon deployment in the U.S.2

Threat of radiological weapons2

Usage of radiological weapons3

Why - Terrorists use radiological weapons3

Radiological weapons deployment in the United States3

Chemical threats3

Radiological threats4

Which is more destructive?4

Chemical or Radiological weapons - against U.S.4



The Next Terrorist Threat


Al-Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack on the United States for America ten years ago. 19 men hijacked four passenger aircrafts with the intention of crashing the landmarks in the United States and causing death and destruction on a large scale. They were successful in hitting three targets, the fourth one landed into a field in Pennsylvania. The day accounted for the death of 3,000 people. The attack has shaped the world in which we live. This paper briefly compares the usage of chemical and radiological weapons against the United States of America.


Threat of Chemical Weapons

Recently, chemical weapons have proven to be a big threat to the United States following the incident in Tokyo. United States has spent many dollars in searching for these weapons as it suspected that these weapons reside inside the territory, but nothing has been found (Anonymous, 2008). It is possible that these chemical weapons may be used against the United States as weapons of mass destruction. Also, it is seen that the organizations involved in terrorist attacks are still not able to deploy their weapons against their enemy.

Usage of chemical weapons

United States is still safe from chemical weapons.

Why - Terrorists use chemical weapons

The usage of chemical weapons is a big concern over the years. It is a clear trend among the terrorists inflicting a number of casualties (Anonymous, 2008). It has been observed that terrorists usually go for weapons of mass destruction. Everyone has been alarmed by the usage of chemical weapons, and the U.S. Congress has allocated dollars for counterterrorism.

Chemical weapon deployment in the U.S.

Osama bin Laden asserted in 1998 that it is his duty to protect the Muslims in the world. Al Qaeda has given a number of statements stating that they need weapons of mass destruction to fight against the Americans (Larssen, ...
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