Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management


Many forces affect businesses and how they operate today. These range from globalization to increased competition, to the changing age and competency profile of the current workforce. As an enabler for the knowledge economy, information technology can also be considered a driving force. In the wake of recent terrorist threats and corporate scandals, security and corporate governance concerns also expand the operational requirements of a business. While these forces may affect companies in varying degrees over time, some organizational realities remain unchanged. Management will always want to leave a healthy organization for the next generation, and this may entail investing in and maximizing various assets. The increasing recognition of “human capital” as an asset with a significant impact on sustained competitive advantage is driving the transformation of many companies' HR function.

Table of Contents




The changing purpose of HRM2

The HR function of the future: new roles and a changing focus3


Job Profile5

Short Listing6


Selection and Hiring Decision6

Employment Offer6



Purpose of Control8

Control Process9

Control Techniques9

Four Steps in Control process10



Human Resource Management


The current economic conditions, business goals and continuous development of HR metrics allow HR professionals to explain what they are aligned with the major players tracking and human resource functions, such as business strategies. In the longer term, if HR professionals want to remain a strategic partner, they would have had to find ways to create relevant parameters, effective reporting and analysis, enabling better decisions about people.

HR function has been involved in assisting organizations downsize the business in accordance with the economic realities that we all faced. However, as most organizations have completed their cost cutting and downsizing and now seek to re-capture market share, the HR function is now more important than ever.

In order for the HR function to move from the backroom to the boardroom, HR issues must be addressed, and the role of line managers must evolve into that which accommodates an increasing involvement in developing solutions to address the concerns of their people. Together, the strategic importance of HR issues and the changing role of line management will be the two key forces of change operating on HR.

HR moves beyond being a service function towards establishing a proactive agenda, as it offers insight into things that others in the business may well not be seeing or acknowledging. This insight enables HR to establish its own agenda in a way that is joined up and relevant to the business, but not solely defined by the views of the current executive team or a current business plan. HR can provide insight into how to make the difficult things happen, given their understanding of how to mobilize the organization and what is really happening rather than the spin that may be presented to senior line leaders.


A great deal of research still needs to be conducted about the specific needs of employees and organizations. The field of management is still relatively new, and until recently, the existing research mainly focused on describing the workforce and understanding the apparent differences in ...
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