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The National Health Service

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The National Health Service (NHS)

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The National Health Service (NHS)3



Literature Review5

Effect of the Management Structure and the Services Available From the Main Sector5


Conclusion and Recommendation11


The National Health Service (NHS)


The National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS) had established on 5th July 1948, with a remit to provide healthcare for all citizens, based on need, rather than the ability to pay. Treatment is effectively free at the point of care as the taxpayer funds the NHS. Overall policy issues have set by the Department of Health, which has the responsibility to provide health services to the general public (through the NHS) (Clarke, 2004, pp. 17-52).


Over the past ten years, UK healthcare providers have consistently accused of manipulating data in order to demonstrate their achievement of government targets, implying that healthcare managers are not immune to the pressures of having to deliver business results. There is therefore, a very real risk that, when marketing services in order to achieve business results, a different set of standards might be applied to those that have used in the delivery of healthcare itself. In healthcare, marketing has widely used to increase awareness and adoption of healthcare services for patients. Many physicians, dentists and other providers use marketing strategies to attract patients to their practices, and pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars annually in direct-to-consumer advertising, carefully crafting their marketing campaigns to increase sales of their medicines. Hospitals use marketing to inform patients about the availability of services and direct patients to practitioners credentialed at their institution.


The qualitative research approach is used. Qualitative research is more subjective than quantitative research. They are very different methods of collecting information, which is used both primary and secondary. As mentioned earlier, this study has chosen the second method. The type of research is exploratory and open. Secondary research was conducted by a variety of sources, including libraries and the Internet. Some libraries have been visited for data collection in the value of books and magazines. The first step of any research is to identify a subject area of research and design a clear objective within it to do further study on that particular research. Secondly, after getting secondary data from different sources on a similar subject has to be critically reviewed. To carry out proper research an ideal person has to be defined, out of which, a sample has to be dispatched for survey by different sources. However, to make the research more authentic, qualitative research has to be carried out in the former of descriptive questionnaire. Lastly, before completing the report, the qualitative data thus collected has to be analysed properly and then drive final conclusion. 

Literature Review

Effect of the Management Structure and the Services Available From the Main Sector

The National Health Service (NHS) was initially set up in the year 1848 to provide basic healthcare amenities to the British Nationals including the citizens of the UK. The main feature of the unit was free-of-cost services in case a need arise (Black, 1998, pp: 127-152). The NHS runs by the department of Health, UK. There are 28 strategic health authorities in ...
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