NHS is a major resource consumer and also the nation's most extensive employer. It could be called a primary service on the basis that it is not only professional but also labour intensive and high grade service carried out by specialists such as Doctors or Nurse. Paramount significance is given to patients and patients are therefore the highest priority.
Acute mental health in the NHS UK
The National Health Service or NHS as it is more commonly known was set up on the 5th July 1948 to provide healthcare for all citizens, based on need, not the ability to pay. The NHS is mainly funded by the tax payer and run by department of health which sets specifications and guidelines on health issues. It was launched as a single organization based around 14 regional hospital boards. This new NHS was originally split into three parts: hospital services family doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists local authority health services, including community nursing and health visitingIn 1948, NHS went through a drastic change in respect to the organizational structure and in regard to the services provided to the patients. This was a monumental task to make health services available to all citizens which mainly fell into the system of public finance and public provision. Two key factors that governed NHS was that there should be equal basis to treatment for all based on clinical needs regardless of patients monetary circumstances. Secondly, collective funding of NHS through national taxation is the most effectual way to ensure that quality health care is available to all on the grounds that paying for all health care expenses is beyond personal financial means.
This department has its key objective as bringing about improvement in the health and well being of the general population, concerned with the overall welfare. The dept of health has in the recent past launched a program designed to make sure that they provide leadership and as well as social care. Its main duty comprises ofSetting an overall mission, vision and objectives and transformation of NHS and social care. Setting national standards in order to bring about efficiency and quality of services. Procurement of resources and making decisions on investments in the future so as to facilitate and deliver the services. Shifting the Balance of PowerThe balance of power shift is one of the kind of program that initiates changes and brings about reforms in the way NHS works. The aim to design services which are specifically patient centered , faster, reliable, convenient and offering several options.
The main feature of the change has been to give locally-based Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) the role of running the NHS and bringing overall improvement in health related areas. Modernization AgencyThe Modernization Agency supports NHS clinicians and managers in their efforts to deliver improvements to their services. The Agency will also support NHS organizations where services are poor or failing - identifying problems ...