[The good and bad effects of Globalization on the world stage]
Background of the study
This is one of the most challenging times for the United States of America. Americans are struggling across the country, and facing a longer recession. We have to find ways to get our economy back to where it used to be, the central focus points is finding jobs for the America people. In order to do that, the United States needs to create the conditions to allow many America's entrepreneurs to grow and create jobs and provide relief for our nation. Globalization creates good opportunity in the stock market for much business to grow. The North American free trade agreement (NAFTA) allows many other nations to develop and compete on the world stage with other developing country. This also allows lower-income workers the enjoyment of benefiting from the stock market. Some of the bad effects of globalization are that the richer is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer making the gap even bigger. Some say that the globalization is a way of a modern method of slaveholding in this world. Globalization is a great foreseeable occurrence if everyone plays by the rules; at this point in time many are not, causing a strong down turn for civilization in the future if we don't take control of the situation now. However the challenge for the next century is for government to successfully press the agenda on controlling fair and equal rights on globalization issues. The economic agents for the economy need to realized the economic system of others countries, so that they can focus on the many task at hand dealing with capital and land resources of the United States production, of exchanges and distribution of goods and services through the global market.