According to Marx Capitalism is a system geared not toward the maximization of material wealth (or use values) in general but toward the maximization of wealth in the socially aggressive form of private profit, the profits of capitalists, who own and control the major means of production, distribution and exchange. The capitalist system, as above, is called to finish as it is fraught with contradictions. The capitalist tries to give their workers the lowest wages possible in order to make more profit; it gradually increases the poverty of the workers.
At the same time the capitalist has to fight against other capitalists so they must sell the products as low as possible, in this fight only the most powerful capitalist gain and small capitalists become part of the proletariat in this time of crisis. The proletariat increasingly large and more miserable is a certainty: the revolution cannot lose but their chains as they are all you have. Implement this certainty in the proletariat is the revolutionary mission of the worker because his mind is troubled by bourgeois ideology justifying exploitation.
Unlike the nineteenth century, when imperialism found a literal expression and territorial as colonies, the current version of the global capitalist system has an almost totally non-territorial or extraterritorial. The territories are governed by states, and states often raise obstacles to the expansion of the capitalist system. This is true even in For the United States, which is the most capitalist country although the isolation protectionism is recurring themes in his political life. The global capitalist system is purely functional and function that birthday is (not surprisingly) economic: production, consumption and exchange of goods and services. Importantly exchange involves not only goods and services but the factors of production.
According to Karl Marx, the threat of poverty and also most importantly inequality are not the products of the idea or the concept of capitalism and they do not even forced the working class against the capitalist system. And this is due the same reason that all these problems and issues have always been a major component of any healthy and as part of the functioning of capitalist economy. In fact an even bigger ideological and social impact that occurs on the lives of working class population is the instability and also insecurity that financial crises at regular intervals impose on the lives of these people in any society.
Financial or economic concerns have always been part of capitalism and with every wave of financial crisis in the world, may it be any part or society, it impacts the working class more than anything and make their lives and conditions even miserable and unstable while at the it is also important to note that all the motivators of capitalism as result have also failed to keep their promises.
For Karl Marx, this kind of class interests and the disagreements or struggles of power that they bring in their wake are the main determinant of any social and ...