In the early 1960s, McLuhan composed that the visual, individualistic publish heritage would shortly be conveyed to an end by what he called "electronic interdependence": when electronic media restore visual culture with aural/oral culture. In this new age, humankind will proceed from individualism and fragmentation to a collective persona, with a "tribal base." McLuhan's coinage for this new communal association is the global village(McLuhan, 2002, pg: 57).
The period is occasionally recounted as having contradictory connotations in The Gutenberg Galaxy, but McLuhan himself was involved in discovering consequences, not producing worth judgments:
Instead of tending in the direction of a huge Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electrical devices mind, precisely as an infantile part of science fiction. And as our senses have gone out-of-doors us, Big Brother proceeds inside. So, except cognizant of this dynamic, we will at one time proceed into a stage of fright terrors, precisely befitting a little world of tribal percussion devices, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence. Terror is the usual state of any oral humanity, for in it everything sways everything all the time. (...) In our long striving to retrieve for the Western world a harmony of sensibility and of considered and feeling we have nothing less been arranged to accept the tribal penalties of such harmony than we were prepared for the fragmentation of the human psyche by publish culture. (Marchand, 1990, p 30)
Note again McLuhan's stress on the importance of awareness of a medium's cognitive effects. He argues that, if we are not vigilant to the effects of media's influence, the global village has the potential to become a place where totalitarianism and terror rule, key to McLuhan's contention is the concept that expertise has no per se lesson bent—it is a device that deeply forms an individual's and, by elongation, a society's self-conception and realization:
Is it not conspicuous that there are habitually sufficient lesson difficulties without furthermore taking a lesson stand on technological grounds? Print is the farthest stage of letters heritage that detribalizes or decollectivizes man in the first instance. Print raises the visual characteristics of letters to largest power of definition. (Marchand 1990, p 37.) Thus publish carries the individuating power of the phonetic letters much farther than manuscript heritage could ever do. Print is the expertise of individualism. If men determined to change this visual expertise by an electric driven expertise, individualism would furthermore be modified. To lift a lesson accusation about this is like cussing a buzz-saw for lopping off fingers. (Gordon, 2000, p. 40 "But", somebody states, "we didn't understand it would happen." Yet even witlessness is not a lesson issue. It is a difficulty, but not a lesson problem; and it would be pleasant to clear away some of the lesson fogs that enclose our technologies. It would be good for morality. (Levinson, 1999, p.63). Famous for aphorisms like "The medium is the message" (he ...