The Everyday Object: If "Everything [Is Indeed] An Argument," What Arguments Are Focused On A Particular Object Many Of Us Don't Usually Think About?
Transform an everyday object or scene by using a portable flash system to "paint" it with light. The scene may contain ambient light, as long as it does not detract from the subject. "Painting with light" is best accomplished at dawn, dusk or after dark, when ambient light levels are sufficiently low to allow you to leave the shutter open long enough to add light from a flash as needed (Appadurai, pp. 56-57).
PLANNING: I decided to shoot the pier in Goleta, California, for several reasons. I felt that the combination of vertical and diagonal lines would make a strong composition. Also, I knew there was a string of mercury-vapor lights on one side of the pier and above it. Mercury-vapor lights produce a greenish cast on film, which I thought would add some extra color to the scene. Another thing I considered was the lack of people around the pier at night. Santa Barbara's pier is closer to me, but there are always people around, something I didn't want to deal with while setting up my camera and making the image. I planned to shoot just after sunset to get some natural color in the sky behind the pier. I would then use my Sunpak 555 flash to light the pilings not lit by the mercury-vapor lights. I figured it would take at least half a dozen flashes to light the areas I wanted. My planning also consisted of scouting the location one evening from well before sunset until well after in order to study the light and find the best camera angle.
SETUP: I went to the pier several nights in a row and set up my camera ...