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The Enemy Is Not Us: Unexpected Workplace Violence Trends

The Enemy Is Not Us: Unexpected Workplace Violence Trends


As difficult as it may be to imagine a violent act taking place at work, in these times it is an eventuality that can not be ignored. Too frequently these days, new leads off with a report about a disgruntled employee committing some horrifying act of violence in the workplace. "Something like that could never happen here", is what most assume. Unfortunately, statistics show that violence can and does happen in the workplace more often than we think. In fact, the chances of violence occurring in the workplace are shockingly high and increasing. Few would argue that over the past ten years, workplace violence has become a serious problem facing workers and employees. Clearly something must be done to help prevent this horrible occurring act.

Violence In The Workplace

        Most people think of violence as a physical assault. However, workplace violence is much a broader problem. It is any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated, or assaulted in his or her employment. There are may different things that cause violence in the workplace. Ford (1997), in her research on causes of violence in the workplace, determined that "discharge from one's job provokes many violent acts' and 'conflict between the employee and supervisor can result in more that a screaming match'" (para.4). When these factors come together, the potential for workplace violence becomes a real and present danger. This usually turns into revenge and "there is no sure way to predict human behavior and, while there may be warning signs, there is no specific profile of a potentially dangerous individual" (USDA para.3). As stated before in the definition, there is a physical side and a verbal side of workplace violence. The physical side is when they physically hurt you, most of the time they intend to kill. Over 70% use handguns than anything else (Ford para.6), 'and almost half of the perpetrators take their own lives as well, pulling the trigger once again, only this time aimed at themselves(Larsen para.8). Threats, harassments are the verbal abuse side of this. The perpetrator usually starts off with verbal abuse which then leads to the physical side. The verbal side includes "swearing, insults or condescending language" (CCOHS para.2) and harassing the person by making them feel very uncomfortable. Violence is not always meant to be physical or verbal. Even "written threats - any written expression of an intent to harm" (CCOHS para.2) is also a form of violence. Either way it is showing intent to hurt the individual. There are numerous contributing factors that can push an employee to the point that may seem unbearable. Violence in the workplace is a rising issue that many do not think is serious but in reality it is.

Violence in the Workplace and management

Top management is just now starting to recognize the enormity of the financial consequences associated with an incident involving violence in the ...
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