The Effect of Manipulation and Mobilization for Mechanical Neck Disorders: Risk and Benifits
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In this study, we will try to explore the concept of “Manipulation and Mobilization for Mechanical Neck Disorders”. The focus of the research will be to reflect on the best practices in Healthcare and how they are implemented. The research will also analyze the effectiveness of manipulation and mobilization for mechanical neck disorders. Neck pain is a common problem and different forms of manual therapy used in treatment. Manipulation is associated with a small risk of serious cerebrovascular injury; whereas mobilisation is generally consider a safer technique.
Background of the Research1
Aims and Objectives2
Research Question2
Methodology Used In the Thesis3
Inclusion and Exclusion4
Reliability and Validity5
What type of therapy is recommended for neck pain?8
Diagnosis and Treatment8
Types of Interventions9
Nature of the Study9
Treatment for Mechanical Neck Pain10
Exercises against neck muscle pain10
Yoga for stretching and relaxing the neck10
Physiotherapy Treatment11
Mechanical Neck Pain Recommendations12
Current Analysis12
Cervical Manipulation Risk14
Neck Pain Patients' Preference Scores for Their Own Health15
Scaling Properties of the Neck Disability Index16
Risk and Benefits Factors16
Outcome Measures in Mechanical Neck Disorders16
Measures of Physical Impairments in Mechanical Neck Pain17
Manipulation and Mobilization for Mechanical Neck Disorders17
Danger of Bias18
Causes and Preventions19
The Implementing Rules of Manipulation20
Rule No Pain and Opposite Movement20
Determining the Direction Painful21
Over Three Directions Painful22
Painful Lack of Direction22
Blocking limit22
Neck Pain and its Treatment23
Decision Analysis of Common, Non-surgical Mechanical Neck Pain Treatments24
Background Risk of Adverse Events in the General Population25
Criteria For Considering Studies For This Review25
Types of Studies25
Types of Intervention26
Non-invasive Intervention and the Conceptual Model of the Course and Care of Neck Pain26
In this thesis we will discuss The Effect of Manipulation and Mobilization for Mechanical Neck Disorders. Neck injury are the disabling and costly to various angles. Neck pain without or with radiation to the head or arms that may include neurovascular or musculoskeletal structures including gangli, uncovertebral joints, periosteum, ligaments, inter-vertebral joints, nerve roots, bones and muscles. The neck pain also includes cervical origin and headaches that is actually the pain emanating from the sub occipital and neck region, radiating from the orbital region, temples, forehead, ears or vertex, and is exacerbated by continuous movement including neck or neck movement position (Frank, 1990, 1431-7).
Many people who have a significant episode of neck pain from a musculoskeletal or mechanical needs to seek treatment. "Neck symptoms" annually account for more than eight million visits to allopathic physicians and millions of visits to ...