World War II was not a conflict between flexibility and tyranny. Rather it was a confrontation between alternate systems of collectivism. By the 1930s, there was not one foremost homeland dedicated to and performing the principles of classical liberalism — the political philosophy of one-by-one liberty, free-market capitalism and free trade. Regardless of the specific variety on the collectivist topic, virtually every government in the world had or was applying some pattern of financial designing and restricting the personal and financial freedoms of its own citizenry.(Havighurst,1962)
In the Soviet Union, the state belongs to and controlled all of the resources and means of output of the society. Production and distribution were administered by the central-planning agencies in Moscow. In fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, house and resources stayed nominally in personal hands, but the use and disposal of that house and those resources were controlled and administered as asserted by the dictates of the state. In Great Britain, free trade and the gold standard had been left behind in the early 1930s, throughout the depths of the Great Depression. Protectionism, interventionism, welfare-statism and monetary manipulation were the hardworking policy-tools of the British government.(Harrison,2000)
Throughout Europe and the Test of the world, the various nation-states had erected tariff barriers, regulated industry and agriculture, restricted the free action of their persons, and restricted municipal liberties. (Overy,1995)
The large depression started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange in October of 1929. Some of the cited causes of the Great Depression include: Investing on margin, land speculation in Florida, a ten years long farming recession, irresponsible lend policies by banks, and a need of guideline on capital markets. After the collapse, the finances dropped into ...