Alcohol is a culturally acceptable, legal drug that is part of the lives of many men and women. However, alcohol dependency can occur when alcohol is consumed on continued basis in spite of negative consequences to one's overall health and well-being. The American Medical Association considers alcohol dependence, also commonly known as alcoholism, to be characterized by tolerance, the need to consume increasing amounts of alcohol to feel its effects, and the appearance of physical symptoms when alcohol use is discontinued. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, a standard for analysis in psychology and psychiatry, defines alcohol dependence as the repeated use of alcohol despite recurrent adverse psychological and physical consequences such as depression, blackouts, and liver disease. Two types of alcohol that are commonly abused are ethyl alcohol, found in beer, wine, spirits and liqueurs; and methyl alcohol, in household substances such as solvents, paint thinners, and antifreeze. Alcohol is a drug that is easily to accessible and the hefty promotion and advertising it receives, has become a genuine social issue in almost every country and in people of all ages. Alcohol is the drug that is most widely used by teenagers in the U.S. there are grounds of a high rates of alcoholism among the young. So what are the problems caused by exuberant use of alcohol? Perhaps many people think that alcohol does not have any damaging effects, the consequences of drinking frequently and in high doses are not so alarming. But the ravages of alcohol can be severe and many of them irreversible. Problem of alcoholism within the family results in a number of factors within it involving violence and neglect. Every time there is a case of alcoholism in a family, it affects the family in various forms, both individual as a whole and above all, their quality of life. The effects can be noticed even though parents try to hide it from other family members. However, the signs are obvious. Neglect of children; the problem may attract the attention of both the spouses, or those affected, leading to neglect and the needs of children who fail to receive care. Fights and assaults among family members; the tension of the problem turns into violence, usually triggered between the facing and against children or other members. It creates an atmosphere of concern about the helplessness of not knowing how to resolve such a sensitive issue. The generator of the problem becomes the object of the various moods of those living with it. One can go from the compassion of rejection. Feeling of loneliness; ??the previous section generates sadness in the alcoholic, feels under-funded. Alcoholism is also responsible for economic and social problems. There is no medical or social problem that does not generate an economic cost in the family. Health problems created by stress, family members and those around you can see how they wear their health due to the tension generated by the problem. Most importantly, when the problem is identified ...