Tesco Customer Service

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Tesco Customer service

Tesco Customer service

Tesco Customer service


If Te sco's know how good or bad the ir custome r se rvice is the n the y can make improve me nts whe re appropriate . Since the y are in such a compe titive marke t the y must monitor re gularly and act fast on anything which ne e ds improving. Te sco's is such a big company it will be hard to monitor the custome r se rvice in all the store s, but an e asy and e fficie nt way of doing this is to use myste ry shoppe rs. This is basically whe n a re se arche r is paid to act as a normal custome r and just shop around the store , looking for any improve me nts and comme nting on what is good. The e mploye rs working at the store do not know who the myste ry shoppe r is so re sults are accurate . This type of monitoring is done in e ve ry store of Te sco's, and is a good way to ge t fe e dback on how we ll or bad the ir custome r se rvice is. If Te sco's know whe re the cracks are in the ir custome r se rvice the n the y can me nd it, so knowing what can be improve d is vital. A myste ry shoppe r can notify Te sco's about the following: How the y are gre e te d by staff How promptly the y are de alt with The knowle dge of the staff The staffs se lling skills The appe arance of the branch The quality of facilitie s Hygie ne standards (Bradford and Duncan, 2000, 34-67)

Since Te sco's de al with a wide range of custome rs the y can choose diffe re nt type s of myste ry shoppe rs, which can improve accuracy of re sults and a pe rspe ctive from diffe re nt type s of custome rs making the re sults le ss bias. For e xample the y hire a myste ry shoppe r acting as a mothe r with childre n, the mothe r the n can che ck the baby changing facilitie s and othe r se rvice provide d by Te sco's for pe ople carrying babie s. The y would also use a disable d myste ry shoppe r, who will te st the disable d facilitie s such as the toile t, and the y can know if are as are not as acce ssible to the disable d. The myste ry shoppe r can also point out which me mbe r of staff shows good atte ntive ne ss and those who don't care le ss. Te sco's can the n act on the me mbe rs of staff who do we ll by pe rhaps, praising the m, and try to make the me mbe ...
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