Terrorism is one of the most common problems faced by today's the community. This seriously jeopardizes the internal and external security, good relations between states and the development and operation institutions and democratic principles. The EU unreservedly condemns all acts of terrorism, it regards as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless- them of their motivation, their manifestation and forms they take. She believes that those who combine organize and sponsor terrorist acts must be brought to justice and duly punished. The dramatic attacks of 11 September 2001 clearly demonstrated that terrorism is a problem world and a concerted global action is needed to combat it. This struggle has been and remains one top priority for the EU and its Member States. However, the EU considers the fight against this scourge must respect international law and conventions on human rights and, if of armed conflict, humanitarian standards
Are Mexicans the new face of Al Qaeda? Those who would like to blame the issues of terrorism on weak border control. Border control is used to seal a country's border against drugs, diseases, illegal immigrants, terrorism and more. When we talk about border control in the United States, we are mainly referring to the Mexican border. Border control in airports is more than adequate to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking on a plane and out of JFK International airport. Throughout the last decade the most severe acts of terror have been committed by legalized immigrants or U.S. citizens, henceforth relinquishing the burden of these acts from illegal immigrants who are here trying to pursue the American dream while terrorism seeks to destroy it. (Smitherman, 1997)
Enrolling in the context of a concerted effort at world level and internationally to fight against this plague, America has ratified all 12 international conventions against terrorism. Acting on the basis of commitments as an UN member state, it shall adopt all necessary measures to fight against both terrorism and protests against its causes. Located at the crossroads of three continents with different religious and political substrates, America is convinced that terrorism constitutes a threat to all life, regardless of nationality, religious affiliation and origin, she therefore participates actively in Many initiatives and forms of cooperation between countries against terrorism. (Emerson, 2000)
Its territory, America has reformed its legal and administrative system to make it conform to the requirements of international conventions to which it has acceded, and in particular resolution 1373 of the Security Council. Meanwhile, the country adopted measures not only to prevent terrorist attacks (border control / detection of false documents, suppression of money laundering and freeze amounts intended to finance terrorist activities, promoting intercultural dialogue) but also to cope (training and improved response capabilities in collaboration with relevant international bodies).
Legal And Administrative Reforms
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the Security Council of the United Nations voted, 28 September 2001 and resolution 1373 unanimously adopted concrete measures that member states must implement to develop more effective cooperation ...