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Terms Of Reference

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Terms of Reference for Conditional Cash Transfer Management Information System

Terms of Reference for Conditional Cash Transfer Management Information System


Results from the studies and researches reveal that several programs for conditional cash transfer and cash for work have been in practice and have been performing considerably fine, having varying objectives and by means of a number of methods for implementation. However they are not that proficient in efficient administration, clear targeting criteria, and coverage. Further, there is a significant duplication and overlap in the delivery of the programs.

Various ministries are engaged in providing the programs of social assistance, some of which are targeted to same recipients of benefits, having constrained coordination. Hence, there seems a great requirement for streamlining the realization of safety net programs for ensuring that the poorest families in the country are provided with the resources and that the resources are implemented in an even synchronized manner. Hence, for this project, a considerable loan would be required to be approved by the World Bank, for the national social protection project, having the aim to ascertain that the targeted recipients of benefits in the targeted areas would employ the net programs of social safety delivered by means of an accountable and efficient decentralized system (Murthy, pp. 78-112).

The agency implementing the project would be the local government engineering department under the ministry of local government. The coordinators of the project would be the local government division of the cooperatives, the rural government and the local government, that would play the part of establishing the policies to be pursued under this project and of coordinating with the pertinent implementation partners, governmental donors and agencies. The project aims to establish and implement a conditional cash transfer program in the targeted areas of the country for smoothing the earnings of exceedingly poor households and support speculation in the nutrition, health and education of their children.

The outcomes of the project would be regularly monitored, supervised, and evaluated, and also actions would be taken for advancing the social protection policy formulation and policy dialogue with the country. The project seeks to set out administrative structures in municipalities for

Selecting and targeting the poorest families on the basis of the proxy means test, community identification, and geographical criteria;

Making cash payments by means of the local banking division;

Forging associations with the education sector for monitoring the attendance in schools of the beneficiaries' children; and

Monitoring and evaluating the functioning and influence of the project.

The project would ensure the establishment of the cash transfer program by means of an MIS or a management information system, positioned at the offices of the municipalities. The management information system would guarantee the efficient maintenance of the database of everybody who is surveyed for the project and also for acquiring the beneficiary information. At this level, compliance information would be processed, and the lists of payments would be created based on this information would commence the cash benefit transfer. Following are the terms of reference that illustrate the expertise required to help ...
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