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Internet, Technology and Marketing Security

Internet, Technology and Marketing Security


Internet has revolutionized the lives of human beings. It has made life easy for individuals as well as large Corporations, who successfully complete their task with minimum possible cost. Corporations not only use their own websites, but also use social media networks to promote their goods and services. They use websites and internet to carry out various task, which has been widely accepted by various sectors of society.


Company's Website

Companies market their brand and products on their website these days. Their website includes the general information about the company. It includes their location, contact numbers, and the business they are conducting. It gives a complete overview of the company. There is a separate section for the products and services these company offer and their product line. Customers can look at various products and services that are available and choose the options accordingly. Some companies offer services of online buying, while the other companies do not offer the same facility to its customers (Acquisti, A., & Varian, H. 2005). For example, Unilever has all the information about the company's product. It lists down the various brands that come under Unilever, and going to such a link will carry the user to the specification or list of products that are offered by the company. It has a separate section of the company's information, explaining the mission and vision of the company, its history, people and culture of the company. The company also has different section for the innovation it uses that makes the company different from others.

Marketing Strategy

Company's uses extensive internet marketing strategy to fulfill their task and capture a large portion of the target market. They define various attributes of the company that make the company different from its competitors, and make it a formidable entity. The basic tool used by these Companies is to make their official websites user friendly, which is not easy on the eye, but also give detail about each and every aspect of the company. Unilever's website is a very convincing example. It has separate sections for its products and company's information that make it important for the customer to be influenced.

The second most important tool used for internet marketing is that of Social Media websites. Sometimes, social media website can achieve what the company's own website may not be able to achieve itself. Social networks are ideal platforms for brands to identify patterns and trends that enable them to tailor their marketing campaigns to the expectations that users have of them. However, although the effectiveness of social networks in relation to sales figures, has been demonstrated, not all brands can use the same strategies as the value of the brand, is essential for the implementation of a marketing campaign effective. Not all consumers are equal and the wide variety of channels for the increase of online shopping identifies habits, and preferences, so that implemented marketing strategies go directly to the focus of interest of ...
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