Throughout the teaching literature, the “preceptor” is described as a teacher who teaches, supports, counsels, coaches, evaluates, serves as role model and aids in the socialization to a new role. The assumption is that a consistent one-to-one relationship with a preceptor provides the most effective mechanism for learning, whether the student is at the undergraduate, staff teacher, or graduate student level. The preceptor guides the student into the real world of specialty practice, allowing the student to try new skills while gaining confidence and validation.
Of interest is the differentiation between preceptor and the coach or mentor. A “coach” helps an individual focus on a specific aspect of behavior, performance, or life. The focus is on learning and self-awareness. A coach helps the individual find their own best answers. A “mentor” looks after and guides the novice through a more personal, long-term relationship. Typically the mentor helps to “open doors” for the individual, to assist in gaining entry into places and experiences they may not have access to on their own.
One can argue that graduate students majoring in teaching administration experience a more flexible approach to their practice experiences. When their teacher/ preceptor is dealing with an agency problem, there is often not one tried and true method for dealing with it. Each situation provides its own constellation of cues that direct the best decision making approach. For students coming from a strong professional background, this flexibility can become a frustrating experience, and one they need to be prepared for.
Teacher frequently oversee several units. Thus the student practicum may be the first opportunity to blend the theory attained from course work with a close look at administrative issues in daily practice. At the same time, teachers are assuming leadership positions outside the traditional school or even outstudent care setting, in such areas as managed care and education care organizations, long-term care facilities, and state and local government agencies. Teachers are also in leadership roles in education care informatics, and quality and outcomes management. It is for these varied roles that this manual is directed.
The cultural diversity of the United States has caused many people to be exposed to behaviors and beliefs that are unfamiliar and often uncomfortable for them. No where is this more evident than in the multicultural education care workforce. Teaching students are now being exposed to class topics on cultural competence related to student care. However, little is being written about the challenges of precepting students who are of different cultures or ethnic groups. Today preceptors are being challenged to step out of their traditional views and become more open and accepting of other attitudes, values and approaches to the work and practice environment. (American Association 2000)
The Planning Standard
The planning is intended to prepare the graduate to assume responsibility and accountability for education promotion, assessment, diagnosis, and management of students' problems. The emphasis is on developing sound professional decision making, diagnostic reasoning, and management of the ...