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Table of Contents


Forms of business1

Minors: contracts2

Duties of directors3

Four fold test5

Bankruptcy: acts of bankruptcy and priorities5

Consumer protection: business practices6

Restrictive covenants10

Capacity and intentions13

The Interpretation14


Forms of security for debt16

Competition act: trade practices18

Contracts: mistake, consideration and duress19

Defamation: government vs. Individual20

Works Cited22

Canadian Business Law


Attitude of one who does things with less care, attention or interest than necessary or than is desirable. Synon. Carelessness, inattention, anton, rigor, care. While commercial honesty is no longer what it once was, our best families testify in this matter of culpable negligence. Negligence is an unintentional tort claim in the U.S. legal system that can be defined as a failure to act with reasonable care, and results in injury to another person. Negligence is one of the foremost issues in sport, recreation, and physical activity; it represents a substantial source of liability for sport organizations and service providers. Negligence can occur in many different forms, and it is incumbent upon sport managers to be aware of and understand the elements of negligence, in order to limit liability and create a safer environment for participants.

I have learnt that the negligence is occurred when the any person neglect anything intentionally or unintentionally. I happen because of the carelessness of any individual on any task e.g. an indication says that the road is under construction and speed limit is 30m. I read the board but ignore it and I faced an accident resulting injury to a person who is crossing the road. This matter comes under the act of negligence that I ignored the instructions and faced damages.

Forms of business

In Canada, the power to regulate business operations is divided between the federal and provincial governments. It is best to prepare a contract by a lawyer or a specialist in human rights affairs or business. Some international laws are accepted, and Canada has signed agreements with some countries. The most commonly used for transactions in the country of America is the FOB. CIF is used especially for products from abroad. The EXW is used to calculate a cost before departure if the buyer wants to control transportation costs. The judiciary is independent; it plays an important role in interpreting the law and has the power to break down laws that violate the constitution. The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court in the land.

I have learnt the Canada is a constitutional state. Foreign nationals may benefit from treatments corresponding to the citizens of the country, including in the case of commercial disputes. Canada is considered part of the least corrupt nations in the world. In my opinion the main source of law is the constitution of the country, which is made ??of various written documents and unwritten, customs, judicial decisions and traditions. The legal system is based on English common law, except in Quebec where it is a civil law system modeled on French law prevails. The judiciary plays an important role in interpreting the law and has the power to break down laws that violate the constitution. The Supreme Court of Canada is ...
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