Suzanne Britt's And Dave Barry's Essays As Models

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Suzanne Britt's and Dave Barry's essays as models

Suzanne Britt's and Dave Barry's essays as models

Suzanne Britt's writing technique is a conglomeration of many different methods; all of which, Britt uses to slow the reader down. She slows the reader to make sure that they have grasped her opinion of neat people vs. sloppy people. Slowing the reader is important; as the reader tends to skip such light reading and misses some of the author's main points. Exploring several of Britt's paragraphs, the reader can consider the differences of her technique and their effectiveness of contrasting the characteristics of sloppy people and neat people.

Paragraph one of Britt's short essay “Neat People vs. Sloppy People is brief yet it may be considered the principal and most authoritative section. Her use of the word “ strikes the reader as unusual in essays, creating a bridge directly connecting Britt's main point and the reader's concentration. Her “statement is bold and demanding of attention, especially due to its leading role in introducing the essay. The introduction, customarily, fields the basis of Britt's leading thesis: “Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people(223). Stating her thesis in the first paragraph brings strength to the three-sentenced inPreceding her biased thesis statement, “justifies her strong proclamation by explaining to the reader that her thesis is indeed opinionated and should be regarded so. In stating her opinion, this justifies the straightforwardness of her theory.

the reader gives sympathy to these go-getting, yet sidetracked, people. These harbored condolences for sloppy people carry-over into the paragraphs that criticize neat people. And

They [sloppy people] save everything, planning someday to file, order, and straighten out the world. But while these ambitious plans take clearer and clearer shape in their heads, the books spill from the shelves onto the floor, the clothes pile up in the hamper and closet [ (224).

Through these four ways: “Iuse, definition, repetition, and comparison Britt fuels her essay with interesting and successful writing techniques. Each technique adds to the thoroughness and cohesiveness of Britt's essay while at the same time, it adds variety and flavor that a reader enjoys.

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