[Sustainable Designs & Constructions in Domestic Extensions & Conversions;
Identifying the Problems and Possible Solutions]
I would first like to express my gratitude for my research supervisor, colleagues, peers and family whose immense and constant support has been a source of continuous guidance and inspiration.
I [type your full first names & surname here], declare that the following dissertation/thesis and its entire content has been an individual, unaided effort and has not been submitted or published before. Furthermore, it reflects my opinion and take on the topic and is does not represent the opinion of the University.
The government of England aims to cut down carbon dioxide emissions by 60% by 2016.This commitment would be required to reduce carbon emissions from all sectors, including housing, now accounting for 27% of industrial carbon dioxide emissions. Residential construction industry is facing a lot of government policy and legislative issues. This particular research aims to find out if the government's approach to build zero-carbon homes by 2016 is feasible and what steps could be taken in the pursuance of this particular goal. The feasibility of sustainable construction at domestic level was judged by conducting a comprehensive opinion survey by questionnaire and further data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews from the representatives of the and housing development to get the main British review of the situation. Survey of the house builders agree that the provisions of these challenges are not insurmountable, rapid, comprehensive and realistic strategy could make the it possible for British government to achieve the aim.
Table of Contents
Key Legislative Drivers6
Key cultural drivers6
Key business drivers7
Key financial drivers7
The Main Legal Obstacle9
Key financial barriers9
Major cultural obstacles10
Design and technical obstacles10
Overarching principles13
Process of extraction or manufacture14
Transport distance14
Embodied energy14
Use of recycled materials15
Manufacturer's information and certification15
Applicable published standards for materials16
Additional tests for greenness/suitability on materials17
Waste management plan for surplus/residue17
Workmanship requirements18
Procedures of application to minimize pollution during construction18
Protection measures to vulnerable parties/structure19
Recycling practice/instructions19
Indoor and outdoor air quality19
Applicable published code of practice20
Additional acceptance tests on completion of works for verifying green effects20
Instructions for maintenance and operation21
The driver of low carbon housing30
Commercial Drivers30
Cultural drivers31
Legislative drivers31
Barriers to low carbon housing32
Code for sustainable homes (the CSH)33
Advantages and disadvantages37
The study methodology would encompass data collected through three ways, consisting of a desk, quantitative and qualitative methods of study. The quantitative study would be achieved through postal questionnaire distributed to housing developers especially in England. The questionnaire would be designed around the outcome of the study table to make a point of view of housing construction in general throughout the industry today lodging feeding practices reduced construction and analysis of pilots and trials to design and no carbon build houses. The community review would be restricted to is limited to 100 homebuilders in England. The largest companies in the construction of housing would be aimed at in this review, because each has substantial assets and large in place, possibly should help the design, implementation and application of carbon regimes none in its tasks; evaluation with small-scale ...