I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research.
I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.
Table of Contents
Aims and Objectives1
Underlying Issues and Research Questions2
Scope and Limitations2
Outline Methodology3
Project Structure/Overview3
Furniture design5
Types of Furniture6
Western History7
The Middle Ages7
The Renaissance8
The Transformation Process9
Types of Wood13
Modern Furniture15
Asian History19
From The History of Furniture Materials20
Environmental Impact of Metals21
Environmental impact of Plastic22
Modern Furniture22
Recycling and Sustainability24
Design Principles24
Furniture and Sustainable Development28
Repurposing Antique Furniture29
As the global community continues to actively pursue sustainable methodology in carbon reduction and energy consumption, a variety of materials continues to avail themselves of designers at a rapidly increasing pace. Furniture, among every day human use and desire continue to change in designs, concepts and improvements which has a big impact on our lives. This is often seen as an obsession craved out of human desires and of great concern to our local environment. Sustainable approach to furniture design offers a vision of an evolving creative art and product design industry and through the application of an innovative approach, and the use of materials, many designers will remain at the forefront of the sustainable parade.
Aims and Objectives
This dissertation shows the results of an investigation carried out on sustainable approach to furniture design and the following objectives are considered:
1.To explore the nature of antique furniture, type of materials and general sustainable issues concerning furniture design.
2.To compare the 19th century furniture design with the 21st century furniture design
3.To determine the type of material used, manufacturing processes, sustainable approaches and environmental impact.
4.To consider re-purposing of antique furniture and incorporating it into a new design as a way of recycling material use.
5.In order to achieve the stated aims and objectives, this project is design to address the following questions:
6.What Sustainable Approach is in place for furniture design?
7.How has the 21st Century Furniture design affected the overall concept design?
8.How effective will the overall furniture design when antique design is incorporated into the new design through Recycling?
Underlying Issues and Research Questions
It can be argued that modern furniture design was introduced only to resolve the underlying issues on traditional design concept and that sustainable approach was later introduced to re-use old materials into a new product. The major problems with antique furniture design are the issue of insect problem and infestation. They are usually in the form of small holes in the wood. The insects are usually long gone. If a light amount of sawdust under the piece of furniture, it can strongly indicate that the insects are still ...