Support Children And Young People's Health And Safety

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Support children and young people's health and safety

Support children and young people's health and safety

1a. Planning related to indoor and outdoor environments and services is a challenging task because here one of the important as well as key element is to take into account all the suitable as well as important parameters that can directly or indirectly affect the health and safety measures. Either it is indoor activities or outdoor, safety measures should be taken into an account in order to be safe from any further issues as well as problems.

While planning indoor and outdoor services, below mentioned key factors should take into an account:


Moveable or in-moveable things

Weather conditions

Safety measures

These are the important things with the help of which safe indoor and outdoor services can be maintained as well as organized. (Armstrong, 2012, p.800)

1b. Monitoring health and safety issues is important key area, because this is the only best method with the help of which people can work easily without any issues and dangers. In order to make sure that working environment is safe and secure, weekly assessments should be taken into an account. Along with this, regular feedbacks from the workers is important and this is the way that can lead a working environment towards betterment.

Regularly monitoring can lower down any further harmful affects and this is the best possible method with the help of which numerous issues can easily be resolved.

1c. Health and safety legislation for different regions is easily available as a main source of guideline with the help of which planning of healthy as well as safety environment and services is easy. If all the key rules, regulations and policies are followed properly, a healthy environment can be maintained and it will lead an organization or a working place towards betterment. As a matter of fact, every nation comprises of different health and safety rules and regulations, following them properly is the main concern. (Bonehill, 2010, p. 280)

For different regions safety legislations along with rules and regulations are different and the method of applying them is also different. Main thing is to follow every single rule in order to generate effective outcomes.

1d. Implementation of health and safety legislation, policies and procedures is important as well as essential for any workplace or an organization. Below mentioned key elements are important and these policies should be followed properly in order to generate effective outcomes:

Health and safety hazards to be removed

Working environment should be safe

Healthy and safe procedures should be followed

These three elements are termed to be the key elements and if followed properly, effective outcomes can be easily generated.

Implementation as mentioned above is an important step and this is the only best possible method with the help of which numerous upcoming issues can be resolved.

1e. Talking about rights and choices of children and young people, outdoor games are no doubt one of the best part of children's activity. Despite this, numerous harmful affects are attached to it. Therefore for children as well as for young people, proper safety ...
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