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Nondirective Supervision

Nondirective Supervision

Philosophy for most persons is a tedious matter that is generally taken in a rigorous learned environment. Hence, when persons do some thinking about what is happening round them or within them, they do not call it philosophizing. It is only considering, pondering, mulling over, plain conceiving or anything you will. Ibelieve that it is such a disgrace that Philosophy has been relegated to a status in which it is deemed not significant to people's inhabits when in fact it is where all other disciplines such as the hard sciences, which have had an tremendous impact on the human race, emanated from. If not for the likes of Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Bacon, and Machiavelli, we would have not been open to unconventional ideas, still tricked in the bondage of ignorance. We would have not been set free from the world of hand-me-down unquestioned information and the world would have not been as progressive as it is today.

The declaration is employed under various assumptions. The first being that God is not an arbitrary force but instead involved in the Universe and specifically people and the events of the world. The second is that an act is inherently good or evil, not just characterised by each observer's reality. While employed under these assumptions, I can then request my attitude on this statement. Iaccept as true that God wills an act because it is good, making the proceed inherently good. Since God allocated man with free will, he is free to choose his own way, thus leaving his actions (which are random to his judgment) to be willed, and then become good or evil. In relative to supernatural events- the climate, phenomena, etc. -it is clear by the inconsistency of justice or “goodness” in these events, that God does not will these acts to be good or bad, but to be understood by persons.

Perennialism is a subject centered philosophy in today's schools. Derived from the large philosopher Plato, it outlooks reality and nature to be constant and unchanging. (Cooper, 2007, p 272)

Iconsider myself to have perennialist teaching outlooks founded on my upbringing from both my parents and my previous teachers.

Ibelieve that perennialism is the most organised and solid form of teaching. Students of this way of teaching should realise that the goal of learning is to realise that reality and knowledge are absolute. As a proponent of this beliefs, I would ...
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