Potential Impact of Substance Abuse on Parenting Capacities
Potential Impact of Substance Abuse on Parenting Capacities
Substance abuse adversely affects the ability of parents to attend to the emotional, psychical and developmental necessities of children. The government health policies provide the provision of services to support the parents who are engaged into substance abuse; however, it is the true will of parents that can get them rid of this situation and help taking caring of their children with greater attention. The paper discusses the impact of parenting that substance abuse brings, it also discusses the practical examples of children who has to suffer difficulties due to their parents as the victims of substance abuse.
Parenting in the context of substance abuse is a field of an investigation where many question- events arise. Addiction of one or parents raises some concerns, including in terms of parenting skills, which may compromising the well-being, security and develop- development of their children. Psychological dependence is frequently cited as a factor high risk of child neglect and consumption can lead to parent's serious consequences in terms of emotional, social, behavioural and academic development of children. Parental substance abuse is neither necessary nor a sufficient cause if problems in children. However, alcohol abuse may increases the risk of family issues and parents can become a focal issue of physical and social, cognitive behaviour of children at home (Bernard, McKeganey, 2004). The long term drug or alcohol misuse is the parent's leads to deteriorating mental health and permanent mental problems among children. The parents cannot give as much attention to their children as they can due to their addiction. Alcohol dependency cause sever problems in the household and the fact that the drug use of illegal can create similar problems among children who consider these problems of their parents with considerable disgust and shame. The issues of children are mainly ill researched, and less is known as the effect of substance abuse is seen as the result of tragedies and casualties. Because of parental substance abuse, the children may be at high risk of maltreatment, physical and emotional neglect. Children out of frustration may be exposed to alcohol or drug related crimes, and they are more likely to show behaviour problems and experiment social stigma, and isolation (Bernard, McKeganey, 2004). The substance abuse can affect the parenting capabilities in one of the following ways:
Less attention and interest towards children development
Less monitoring of children social activities
Lack of emotional belongingness for children
An unthoughtful behaviour towards the future cognitive development and health care of children.
Family behaviour of parents is often a role model for children. That is why the alcoholic habits of parents are so often emulated by their children. However, even if the child of alcoholic family has subsequently become dependent on alcohol, from his childhood he would take with himself a heavy baggage of psychological problems into adulthood. A scaled version of the world is where parents serve as an example of the best and most "regular" members of ...