In this study we try to explore the concept of “Subjective poor sleep” in Japanese Male workers in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Poor sleep” and its relation with “white blood cells”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “poor sleep” in relation to Obesity, Smoking and tries to determine its effect on “white blood cells”. White blood cell counts can be affected by different things.Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Subjective Poor sleeping” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Subjective Poor Sleeping” on “White blood cell count”.
Subjective Poor Sleep
Title of the Research Report
The title is described accurately but it should be more précised. The variables are accurate with the proper population taken. The article contains extraneous words to prove relationships.
Problem Statement
The problem has been clearly stated with preferring declarative form. It provides the justification of the topic that is clearly associated with the study. But the stated problem is not significant to nursing as it only describe its details. The stated problem is researchable in every respect that is the data can be collected and can be analyzed in different ways.
Conceptual Framework
However, there is not any conceptual model identified in the study but there is a possibility of framework that can be implied which is applicable for the research as well. The study of subjective poor sleep associated with white blood cell count is a vast topic that can give rise to several other relationships and can conclude reasons for poor sleeping among shifts workers.
Literature Review
The literature review of the study has used different citations. Some of them are classics while others are current citations. All these citations that are current as well as classical are supporting the relationship of the variables that have been used in the study. The sub headings are appropriate but there should be included more subheadings so that it can give more comprehensive review of the literature to facilitate the reader. Moreover, these subheadings should be well organized to give precise review of the subject. Almost all the primary sources have been added in the literature review. The resources used in the research understudy are all relevant with the topic and provide suitable guidance for the research. The information in the paper has been flowed logically that is classic sources and then current sources have been ...