Students With Disabilities

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Students with Disabilities

Students with Disabilities


The topic under study focuses on the implications that litigation, attitude and legislation had on disabled student's lives and their education. For this purpose, the discussion includes an explanation on how thinking has changed regarding the understanding of students with disabilities and how has legislation and litigation influenced the education of students with disabilities. There are many challenges facing educators, which include increasingly higher standards and teacher accountability for student performance, therefore, the paper includes prediction about what will happen to students with disabilities in the current educational climate and special education in the future. Moreover, discussion includes my initial response during the first personal encounter with an individual with a disability and based on my current knowledge and experiences, what are the changes in my response now.

In the past, students with disabilities used to have an unfavorable position due to which they experienced an outward position form many of the opportunities that the regular students had. However, social implications of attitude, legislation and litigation have transformed this negativity to a positive view. Whereas, in the past, the concept of “survival of the fittest” used to be followed based on which students tends to be discriminated who were underdeveloped. This discrimination concept and considering special students detriment to society has been removed due to social implication of litigation and legislation. During the civil rights movement, the societal shift of equality and justice introduced the concept of tolerance and acceptance (U.S. Office of Special Education Programs, 2007).


Perception regarding the understanding of disabled students and influence of litigation and legislation

Legislation and litigation has positively influenced the education of students with disabilities as it has created the concept of equality and justice. Similarly, the thinking has changed regarding the understanding of student disabilities. The thinking is that there ...
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