Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET), a Pakistani-based Islamic terrorist association, hunts for to propel out Indian security forces from the argued Jammu and Kashmir regions of South Asia and set up an Islamic caliphate. Over the past few years, LET's agenda has adopted a more global anti-Western ideology that considers the joined States, Israel and India to be its prime enemies. As part of this campaign, LET has vowed that it will vegetation the "flag of Islam" in Washington, Tel Aviv and New Delhi.
LET illustrated its new focus in a series of coordinated terror attacks in Mumbai, India, in November 2008 that slain over 170 people and hurt approximately 300 others. At smallest ten armed militants attacked some positions frequented by tourists all through Mumbai, including a trains position, a well liked bistro, a hospital, two hotels and a Jewish Center. Although LET not ever claimed blame for the strike, one of the militants apprehended by Indian administration allegedly accepted that he pertains to LET and taught with the other gunmen at LET camps in Pakistan in preparation for the attacks.
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET) was founded in the late 1980s with the help of the Pakistani government (which furthermore resists the Indian presence in Kashmir) as the armed wing of the Markaz al-Dawa wa al-Irshad, an Islamic communal welfare assembly that helped recruit volunteers to fight beside the Taliban. LET, which has been active since 1993, supposedly obtained funding and instruction from Pakistan's understanding bureau, Inter-Service understanding (ISI), and in exchange LET acquiesced to goal Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir. This funding ended in January 2002 when Pakistan ostracised the assembly and froze its assets, following the United States designation of LET as a terrorist entity a month earlier.
After the ostracise of LET, the assembly renamed itself Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD) and impersonated as a charitable oragnization to avoid sanctions. In April 2008, the U.S. designated JUD as an alias of LET, which impeded all house and concerns in house of JUD. In January 2009, JUD allegedly change their title to Tehreek-e-Tahafuz Qibla Awal, but they appear to still have the same managers and ideology.
The supposed founder and leader of LET, Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, was apprehended in December 2008 by Pakistani authorities following the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November 2008. Saeed, who admits to being the head of JUD but denies any attachment to LET, is actually under dwelling arrest.
Inspired by Osama receptacle Laden, LET extends to sustain close ties with Al Qaeda. Intelligence services have found out that, before its bivouacs were destroyed by the United States in 2001, Al Qaeda often hosted and taught LET operatives. Conversely, since the decimation of those bivouacs, LET has hosted Al Qaeda trainees and other Islamic militants, encompassing Shahzad Tanweer, one of the suicide bombers in the July 7, 2005 London below ground attack and convicted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. Additionally, older Al Qaeda managers, such as Abu Zubeida, have been apprehended at LET compounds.
The USA answered just few days after the attack, on September 20 George Bush ...