The staffing policies lie in the III quadrant of the matrix. The staffing policies are like baseball teams, clubs, academia, etc. Over the last few years AHHA implemented and refined a successful approach to developing national policies. The AHHA gives its members opportunities to directly influence healthcare reform, including participating in delegations to Ministers/central agencies and national inquiries/reviews by developing policies and advocacy programs. The approach uses a kind of 'Communities of Practice' model that brings together interested professionals across a range of settings and jobs.
Question 2
Occupational health and safety technicians collect data on the safety and health conditions of the workplace. Technicians work with occupational health and safety specialists in conducting tests and measuring hazards to help prevent harm to workers, property, the environment, and the general public. Occupational health and safety technicians can enter the occupation through two main paths (Brinegar, 2010). The first and most common are through on-the-job training. The second path is with formal education, such as an associate's degree or certificate. Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of occupational health and safety specialists with similar occupations. Total employment is expected to increase by 20.5 million jobs from 2010 to 2020, with 88 percent of detailed occupations projected to experience employment growth. Industries and occupations related to health care, personal care and social assistance, and construction are projected to have the fastest job growth between 2010 and 2020. Jobs requiring a master's degree are expected to grow the fastest, while those requiring a high school diploma will experience the slowest growth over the 2010-20 timeframe. Slower population growth and a decreasing overall labor force participation rate are expected to lead to slower civilian labor force growth. Job openings result from the relationship ...