Strategic Report

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Strategic Report

Table of Contents


Environmental Analysis3

Geographical Area3

Porter's Five Forces3

Strategic Role4

Analysis of the Environment4

Supplier's Bargaining Power4

Substitute Services Threat4

New Entrants Threat4







Market Types6

Discussion on Strategic Direction7

Problem Child/Question Mark7

Cash Cow7

Core Competencies7

Blackberry SWOT Analysis7







Direct mail9



Evaluation of Strategy9



Strategic Report


Blackberry the cellular company was born around 14 years ago. It spreads its influence with the passage of time over more than 120 countries. Blackberry became the undisputed king of the cell phone industry with its Smart phones. Even in the modern times, Blackberry employs more than 132,000 people all over the world and is the one of the biggest cell phone manufacturing company of the world (Laitinen, 2005, p. 325-339). This report aims to discuss the prospects and the business scope of Blackberry Company in the market of Australia, at the same time analyzing the company's strengths and weaknesses through Porters Five Forces and PESTLE analysis.

Environmental Analysis

Geographical Area

Firstly since Blackberry wishes to expand its market it needs to create strategies for its success. Blackberry (for the development of strategies) needed to conduct the environmental analysis in which it considers both external and internal environment in a thorough manner.

Blackberry has the following goals in mind

To create good mobile products

To secure the value volume and growth and connect the next billion people to the Internet in developing growth markets

To grant more and more people opportunities of using mobiles phones.

Porter's Five Forces

Blackberry is monitoring the effects of gender, social class, religion and geographical location on the trends of any given market. The company also has a detailed understanding of manner in which these trends change and what are their stimulating factors. Additionally, Company knows that how to enter the market which have more chances of expansion and, feasible for the company (Isoherranen, & Kess, 2011, p. 395-402).

Company is focusing on other factors such as technology, consumer's choice, style and colour of the product, promotional strategies and number of outlets, though not necessarily in that order (Analysis, 2007, p. 16-16). Company is using the concept of economics, in order to evaluate the five forces that determine the intensity of competition and ultimately, the feasibility of taping a certain market (Reece, 2003, p.84).

Strategic Role

The business strategy has an integral part in achieving the aims of the company. It is widely agreed upon by all manners of business leaders and scholars, that no business in the world can be successful if there is no proper strategy behind it (Knight & Routti, 2011, p. 117-144).

Analysis of the Environment

Any organization in the world regardless of its nature requires an environmental analysis to secure its desired market position as it touches the internal and external factors, the opportunities and threats.

Supplier's Bargaining Power

Blackberry is a cell phone giant because, suppliers do not possess a lot of bargaining power. The number of vendors for hardware and software supply is increasing in direct proportion to the increasing share, and scope of the market. If a supplier company decides to charge Blackberry, higher prices, it retains the ability to easily switch ...
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