Strategic Quality Management

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Strategic Quality Management

Strategic Quality Management


Strategic Quality Management is the integration of the Quality Management in the Strategic Management framework. Strategic Management framework starts of in carrying out evaluation of the strategic direction of the company with the quality perspective. It then proceeds with the external audit of the environment (Diefenbach, 2007). The external environment is analyzed for the possible opportunities it has for the company and the threats which might affect the company. The external audit results in the creation of External Factor Evaluation Matrix and the competitor profile matrix. This process is followed by internal audit of the company. Internal audit comprises of the evaluating strengths of the company, its unique capabilities and competitive advantage is measured. Weaknesses of the company are also indentified and elaborated in the internal audit. The internal audit results in the creation of Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix. The process then leads to the development of Long Term Objectives which are quantifiable and are smart in nature. The next step in the strategic management framework is the development and evaluation of strategies. It consists of three stages, the input stage, the matching state and the decision stage. The outcome of this process results in the strategies which are committed to utilize the opportunities in the external environment by the use of company's strengths. The weaknesses are addressed and the impact of threat is minimized. The implementation process is carried out by developing the annual objectives, policies and managing the implementation. The evaluation is carried out by starting with the annual objectives and comparing them with the actual achievement. The strategic quality management incorporates the quality perspective, objectives and control in the three phases of the strategic management, i.e. strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. We will be evaluating the process of implementation of strategic quality management at local government level to create an environment with quality management at its center of concern.


I am working as an administrator of all county local government of a state. The strategic quality management requires that the importance of quality must be included in the strategic direction of the institution. The strategy formulation process carried out before implementation is as follows

Strategic Direction

Our mission is to provide on time and effective fire, educational, municipal and other country services with top quality in terms of service and response.

External Audit

Since our department is a government department focused on providing ...
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