Apple Inc, one of the largest U.S. corporations. Apple Inc. is a computer manufacturing company that is working globally. Apple grew very fast in a little time due to its strong culture, hierarchy; policies and innovation which truly made the company achieve prosperity. Initially the company was based Apple Computer in 1976 by three people, but the third co-founder does not believe in the success of the venture and sold its shares (10%) for 800 dollars. However, the company has become one of the few in the industry, quickly conquered the market. The first personal computer (Apple initially began to specialize on them, rather than bulky computers that occupied an entire room for) Apple I became quite popular. This was the first computer, which had a built-in support for a keyboard and connected to a monitor, i.e., prototype of the modern desktop PC. The real success is waiting for the computer Apple II, released a year later, because that is what he was destined to become the first mass model, which are used not only in companies and research centres but also at home. It was a real computer revolution (Young & Simon 2005, 100-140). The organizational structure of the company is made is such a way to be more competitive in a critical juncture in the company's history. The organizational culture of Apple is unique with the drive to outperform and succeed with the high involvement of the employees. Apple has been continuously involved in the innovation process and is hoping to be the market leader very soon because of its strong encrypted culture and structure.
Financial position of the company Apple Inc. is good as we have seen that the sales are increasing. Even though the profitability is increasing, it is increasing with a very slow pace. This shows that the company sales are increasing but there are some other factors involved in it which affect the company negatively. The company overall financial position is good but it can be better. For a more comprehensive view of the company financials, the table given below can be referred.
Income Statement
Net Income
EPS from Continuing Operations
EPS - Net Income - Diluted
Revenue per Share
Balance Sheet
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Shareholders' Equity
Total Assets per Share
Net Assets per Share
Cash Flows
Cash from Operations
Cash from Investing
Cash from Financing
Capital Expenditures
Cash Flow per Share
Business environment
The Apple Computer Company is arguably one of the most innovative technology companies to emerge in the last three decades. Apple, Inc. is responsible for bringing to market such products as the Macintosh desktop and portable computer, iPod and iTunes, and most recently, the iPhone. The success of the company can be traced to the ingenuity of their founder and CEO, Steven Jobs (Yoffie and Wang 2003, 198-201). This philosophy has always been to create products that consumer will find easy to use and marry innovative technology to work productivity and personal entertainment. Throughout its history, Apple Inc. has accomplished these ...