Statement Of Purpose

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Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Studying medicine has always been my passion. I have always been very enthusiastic about the subject and have strived to learn more and more about the discoveries that are being made in this field. I have been interested in pharmacy practice as I am interested in carrying out researches related to the field. It is important for me to make sure that I stay motivated and focused in this field so that I am able to work in a manner that will prove to be beneficial for me now, as well as, in the future. It is due to my motivation and courage that I am able to work in a way which has helped me in knowing more about the field that I want to study in.

When I was young, there was a moment when I decided to pursue my career in the field of medicine. That moment was the sight of my father being treated in the emergency department due to hypertension crisis. I made up my mind that I this is the field I want to study in and then a couple of my father's friends helped me with it as they were pharmacists. I am a Saudi National and there are not enough Saudi pharmacists in the market, which further motivated me to pursue a career in this field.

As an undergraduate, I chose clinical pharmacy as my majors. While interning, I learnt a lot about different departments of the hospital. I learnt about the Cardiology, Internal medicine, ICU, and Endocrinology. While I was in ICU, I was helped by an excellent pharmacist and I learnt the importance of the role of a pharmacist in the life of the patient. I learnt that when a patient in a critical situation, ...
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