Staff Motivation

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Staff Motivation And Retention At Tesco

Staff Motivation And Retention At Tesco

Introduction and background to research

We all have competencies. These are the sum of our experiences and the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes we have acquired during our lifetime. In the workplace we use our competencies to perform a variety of behaviors and activities, which in turn produce outputs (products and services) that we provide to others. It is the quality of these outputs and the reactions of those who receive them that lead to results with positive, negative or neutral consequences for the organization; the people who work there; and its suppliers, shareholders, clients, and customers.

The current and future success of an enterprise is a reflection of the effectiveness of the senior management team, their vision and leadership, and the combined knowledge and skills of the organization's workforce (Jenkins 1994). This means that the identification of critical management and specialist competencies that will enable enterprises (and countries) to meet the demands of the future has assumed an even more important place as a key responsibility of senior business executives, human resource practitioners, educationalists, public administrators and government leaders.

A major survey of global organizations conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit found that 61 percent of the respondents from the Asia-Pacific area indicated that there was a need to improve management competencies. They also expressed concern about the need to improve organizational structure, to better utilize corporate strategy to drive change and to strengthen the link between strategic intent and day-today implementation. (Jenkins 1994 850)

To be effective the development of workplace and managerial skills must reflect the current and projected needs of the organization. It is a critical responsibility of senior management to identify the core competencies of the enterprise and to ensure that the competencies required by managers at Tasco, specialists and the workforce in general are adequate and appropriate. Competent people are the key to future success and offer organizations their only sustainable competitive advantage.

The development of an effective competencies framework and a complimentary performance management program provide an opportunity for enterprise and individual growth, and in the longer term, can also increase shareholder value.

There is a need to be a reproduction of technology staff development for teachers in order to make possible the proficient use of technology in schools. At the same time as this seems to be the case it is easier said than done, and many questions come into sight. For example, is staff development that now exists in technology sufficiently preparing teachers to use technology effectively in the classroom? That is an important question. Yet, one must also ask at the outset just what is the purpose of technology staff development for teachers.

Teachers have need of technological training in some form. Teachers should expose themselves to technology as much as possible for the reason that in today's market, businesses rely a great deal on technology in order to be a fierce competitor. By educating teachers in technology, and how to ...
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