Special Education

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Special Education

Special Education


The education is a socialization process where the individual acquires and assimilates different types of knowledge. This is a process of cultural awareness and behavior, which is embodied in a set of skills and values. When people suffer from some disability mental or physical, their needs may not be satisfied by the traditional educational system. It is here where the concept of special education, which, as its name implies, presents distinct characteristics (i.e. special) (Stevens, 2009).

Special education provides technical and human resources to offset the declines experienced by students. In this way, students can complete the process of learning in an environment according to their capabilities. Its definition given by UNESCO in the year 1983 says "Special education is a form of education aimed at those individuals who do not reach or impossible to reach, through the normal educational activities, educational levels, social and other age-appropriate, it seeks to further its progress towards these levels ".

The special education services include multiple care centers that are educational institutions intended to serve children and young people with special educational needs. Your responsibility is to serve people with Intellectual Disabilities, Hearing, Visual, Motor and autism or multiple disabilities who, for various reasons not achieve integrated into the regular education system, however, also have a responsibility to promote inclusive education to those students who qualify (Kobi, 2004).

The special educational process is immersed under a systematic and continuing to make judgments to assess qualitatively and quantitatively. The assessment, which aims to give the information essential to improve the process, reset goals, review plans and curricula, methods and resources used in educational work, diagnose the student and the teacher, all with the aim of improving considering characteristics, interests and needs of the student.

Special Education

Special education includes identification, evaluation and programs especially for children whose learning difficulties or disadvantages require additional support to reach their comprehensive development education. These difficulties can range from physical dysfunction, problems with vision, hearing or language, learning dysfunction (mental handicap), emotional difficulties or behavioral, or medical or health. Other children may have more general difficulties with reading, writing, language or math, so they require additional assistance. Aid for special needs education can be consolidated schools or special schools (Theunissen, 2002).

It is believed that about 20% of children need some special education throughout their schooling. The vast majority of them have problems to be resolved within mainstream schools, only a small minority of specialized teaching aids may require, for the most demanding and complex, the existence of media centers and an array of services that ensure that assessment meets the needs of these children.

In every school and every class, there is a cycle of assessment, planning, teaching and reviewing the needs of all children. These studies normally take into account the wide range of skills, aptitudes and interests that each child brings to school. Most children learn and progress within these local constraints. Those who find difficulty in it may have what is called special educational ...
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