Sony Group

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Sony Group

Sony Group

Sony Group

Task One: Strategy Updatation of Sony Group (2008-2010)

Masura Ibuka came up with the idea in 1946 right after World War II. His main motive was to set up a company to create a steady work environment where an engineer who truly appreciate technology and realize their common mission and work to their heart's content. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications really needed help because they had plans for all-wave receivers for the public but needed a company to produce them. With the increase in demand they became even more determined to produce equipment to increase Japan's capital and equipment. The first was the service department. They knew the spread of all-wave receivers in society and the introduction to household appliances and televisions and they wanted to make sure they were at peak quality. At that time there were not many radio technological service providers in Japan. When there was going to be an introduction of high quality receivers in the future, the small and inferior companies would disappear.

The only companies that would appear would be companies that merged with major hardware manufacturers. Mr. Ibuka had in mind been that his company would plan to provide the best service by using its technological skills and measuring instruments. They developed a device, which will convert the customer's hand held receivers into all-wave receivers. By that June, they planned to make about 500 of those products for about 400,000 yen. Their first goal was service and profit came after service. We remained responsible for fixing any problems that they faced no matter how hard or complicated they were. They were determined to make develop and plan high quality receivers, electronic parts and household appliances. Their second department was Measuring Instrument Department. Only a few companies made measuring instruments needed to produce and repair radios. There were even a smaller amount of radio dealers that were able to repair products with those instruments. There profits were high because there were few input materials and they had high selling prices for those materials and products. The vacuum tube voltmeter or VTVM was used to measure ultra short waves were made because of the hard work they put in to their products. It was determined that it was one of the best products when the product was brought back to the United States.

Further Strengthen Our Core Businesses

Sony intends to maintain a leading position in its “trillion yen businesses” (LCD TVs, digital imaging, game and mobile phones) and will focus on expanding its PC, Blu-ray Disc-related products, and component/semiconductor businesses into “trillion yen businesses” by the end of FY2010. At the same time, we expect to improve the operations of our TV business significantly and implement a variety of cost reduction measures to restore that business to profitability in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009*, and strive for the global No. 1 position in LCD TVs by FY2010. Of the planned 1.8 trillion yen investment over the next three years, approximately 900 ...
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